
About Priiloader Hacks

Priiloader includes a file called hacks_hash.ini (see the Priiloader subfolder), which contains a bunch of hacks that Priiloader can apply to the System Menu. Each hack has a name that is surrounded by square brackets (like [Name]), and then a bunch of parameters explaining the patch.

The required parameters are minversion= and maxversion=. These two parameters define which System Menu versions the hack is compatible with. For example, a hack that only works on 4.1 in all four regions would have the parameters minversion=448 and maxversion=454.

The parameter amount= is used to contain the amount of patch instructions for this hack. It is no longer read by current versions of Priiloader, but it can’t hurt to add it anyway.

After the versions and amounts are defined, the hack includes definitions for the actual data to patch. For each patch, there’ll either be an offset= parameter (in order to patch at a certain memory offset), or a hash= parameter (in order to search for a certain string and use its location as an offset). A patch using the hash= parameter is preferred, as it usually works on multiple versions and not just on one.

The offset or hash parameters look like this: offset=0x81234567 or hash=0x12345678,0x98765432. The offset parameter would include the patch at the fixed memory address 0x81234567, and the hash parameter would add the patch at the RAM address that contains the specified bytes(12 34 56 78 98 76 54 32).

In addition to these parameters, there needs to be a patch= parameter, which (same syntax as hash=) includes the bytes to write to the found location, the actual patch data to replace in the system menu RAM.

Optionally, you can also write comments by using # at the start of the line.

An example hack using these parameters could look like this:

[Example Hack]
#Example Comment

This results in two patches being applied to a 4.3E system menu.
One at whatever address the hash value is found, and one at the fixed address 0x8120000.

The current display limit for the hack’s name is 39 characters.

Additional master hack / sub-hack functionality

If a hack contains the require= parameter, that means it needs another hack to function. The require= parameter can contain a string identifying the required hack. The hack that provides the required functionality must then provide a master= parameter with the same parameter.

This causes the master hack (with the master= parameter) to be hidden from the hacks menu in Priiloader. It will only be enabled once one of the sub-hacks that requires the master hack to be present is enabled.

This can be useful if you have a hack where a large part is version-independent, but a small additional part is different in each version. You can then create a large hidden master hack with the independent code, and several small sub-hacks for the different System Menu versions that all require different offsets.

An example of that functionality can be found in the [Remove NoCopy Save File Protection] hack:

[Remove NoCopy Save File Protection - Master]
[Remove NoCopy Save File Protection]